Deep Breathing For Emotional, Physical And Spiritual Health

In This Short Mini Course, You Will Learn All About The Fundamentals Of Breathing And The Science Behind Why We Should Naturally Breathe Deeply Every Day, In A Simple And Easy To Follow Way.

This Course Gives You A Clear Framework So You Can Learn Why Deep Breathing Is So Important For Your Health And Wellbeing. You Will Also Have Access To Some Of The Features Of The Bright Beings Academy, Like Regular Webinars. These Occur On A Monthly Basis. Your Access To This Course Is For Life.

90-95% Of All Disease And Illness Is Caused By Stress

Discover the Power of Deep Breathing: Your Path to Holistic Health

Introduction to Deep Breathing for Health and Wellness:

Welcome to the transformative journey of deep breathing and its profound impact on emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Uncover the science-backed benefits of this ancient practice and its role in restoring harmony within the body and mind.

The Science Behind Deep Breathing:

Scientific research unequivocally demonstrates the potency of deep breathing. Studies show that intentional, deep breathing engages the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering a relaxation response that counters the detrimental effects of stress. It's not just a belief; it's proven science that empowers us to take charge of our health and well-being.

Convince Your Subconscious Mind: The Power of Intentional Breathing:

Our subconscious mind often dictates our breathing patterns, and consciously convincing it to embrace deep breathing is pivotal. By reprogramming our subconscious, we tap into the immense healing potential of deep breathing, guiding us towards emotional balance, physical vitality, and spiritual alignment.

Benefits of Deep Breathing for Holistic Health:

  • Emotional Resilience: Deep breathing serves as a potent tool to manage stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances, fostering resilience and inner calm.

  • Physical Vitality: Experience improved oxygen circulation, enhanced lung capacity, and a strengthened immune system through regular deep breathing practices.

  • Spiritual Connection: Deep breathing facilitates mindfulness, creating a bridge between the body and spirit, fostering a deeper sense of connection and awareness.

Convince Your Subconscious Mind: The Power of Intentional Breathing:

Living in a perpetual state of stress disrupts our body's natural balance, affecting our overall health. Deep breathing acts as a catalyst, shifting us into the parasympathetic state, where we can relax, rest, and properly digest, enabling our body to heal and rejuvenate.

Join "Deep Breathing for Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Health" Course:

Enrol in our comprehensive online course and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being. Learn the techniques, practices, and principles of deep breathing, empowering yourself to harness its transformative benefits for a healthier, more balanced life. Click the button below to start your free course.

Our Ancestors Knew This!

Apparently, in the Indus Valley, which is the cradle of modern civilisation, the words 'Know Thyself' was written on every temple. How many of us know how to breathe deeply, or even do this on a regular basis. Being stressed, anxious and even depressed takes us away from the feelings deep within us. With this deep breathing course, you will find the way to turn the knowledge into intelligence and breathe your way into better health and well being.

Todays Modern World

It is said that stress is the cause of 90-95% of all disease in humanity at the moment. That is a very large number. And what happens when you do not deal with that stress properly? Quite literally, anything can happen to you. It is being seen that even children as young as 7 years old are breathing in a shallow manor. This is terrible. The figures speak for themselves when it comes to health and well being. We must act now.

There are simple solutions that are free and available to you 24/7. And is that not a breath of fresh air. Deep breathing practises have been with us for thousands of years and originally came in the form of pranayama. A yoga type of breathing. Any breathing exercise will help you with todays modern world. There are some that are particularly effective at helping you get into a healthier place.

The Nervous System Is Key

Your nervous system, and understanding it a little better is key to helping you with todays stressful world. Good news makes a good brain. It is important to feed your body with good information. Also to feed your body with good food also. We need to be in the para sympathetic nervous state regularly which will lead to a very quick transformation of you.

Also, the vagus nerve sends more information up to the brain than the brain sends down to the gut. When we realise this, we need to be relaxed more. And there is no better way of becoming relaxed than being very good at short breathing techniques. And once you start to feel the benefits. You will be hooked.

Let Stress - Anxiety - Overwhelm

Be A Thing Of The Past

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Why Deep Breathing Is So Important For Spiritual Growth And Holistic Wellness

Deep breathing plays a significant role in spiritual growth and holistic health due to its ability to foster a deeper mind-body connection and promote overall well-being. Here's why deep breathing is important for spiritual growth as well as holistic health:

1. Stress Reduction: Deep breathing activates the relaxation response, reducing stress hormones like cortisol. By calming the mind and body, deep breathing helps individuals manage stress more effectively. Reduced stress is essential for spiritual growth, as it allows for inner peace and mental clarity.

2. Enhanced Mindfulness: Deep breathing is often used as a foundational practice in mindfulness and meditation. When you focus on your breath, you cultivate present-moment awareness. Mindfulness is key to spiritual growth, helping individuals stay grounded in the present and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their surroundings.

3. Balanced Energy Flow: In many spiritual traditions, it is believed that life energy (prana, chi, or qi) flows through the body. Deep breathing exercises, especially in practices like yoga and Qi Gong, are designed to balance the flow of this vital energy. Balanced energy flow is thought to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

4. Emotional Healing: Deep breathing allows individuals to connect with their emotions and process them more effectively. By acknowledging and accepting emotions during deep breathing exercises, individuals can work through emotional blockages and achieve emotional healing. Emotional healing is essential for holistic health and spiritual growth, as it fosters inner harmony and self-acceptance.

5. Increased Self-Awareness: Deep breathing practices often involve introspection and self-reflection. As individuals become more aware of their breath and bodily sensations, they naturally become more attuned to their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This increased self-awareness is fundamental for spiritual growth, leading to a deeper understanding of one's true nature.

6. Improved Concentration and Focus: Deep breathing exercises enhance concentration and focus by calming the mind. In spiritual practices, concentration is essential for meditation, visualization, prayer, and other contemplative activities. Improved focus allows individuals to delve deeper into their spiritual practice and explore their inner selves.

7. Connection to the Divine: Many spiritual traditions believe that the breath is a bridge between the physical body and the spiritual realm. Deep breathing exercises can be a form of sacred practice, connecting individuals to a higher power, the universe, or their inner spiritual essence. This connection is central to spiritual growth and holistic health.

In summary, deep breathing promotes spiritual growth and holistic health by reducing stress, enhancing mindfulness, balancing energy flow, facilitating emotional healing, increasing self-awareness, improving concentration, and fostering a connection to the divine.

Incorporating deep breathing exercises into your daily routine can support your overall well-being and spiritual journey.

Whats Included In This Mini Course

This course is designed to take you through the information on why we should breathe deeply for health and well being. When you look at the scientific evidence, you can see that we, as human beings, have to breathe deeply if we want to be healthy.

  • Lecture 1 - Deep breathing is the foundation to great health

  • Lecture 2 - Despondency Versus Pro Active

  • Lecture 3 - Close Minded Versus Curious

  • Lecture 4 - Fearful Versus Courageous

  • Lecture 5 - How are you actually dealing with these negative influences on you now?

  • Lecture 6 - How do I change my situation?

  • Lecture 7 - How deep breathing is scientifically proven to relieve emotional stress

  • Lecture 8 - How deep breathing improves mood

  • Lecture 9 - Deep breathing improves symptoms of depression

  • Lecture 10 - An overview of scientific studies done on deep breathing

  • Lecture 11 - Breathwork Can Be Spiritual

  • Lecture 12 - 10 Aspects to a healthy mind and body

  • Plus Guided Breathing Exercises To Reset Your Nervous System

Bright Beings Academy

For Self Realisation

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Scientific Studies On Deep Breathing

Click the heading to go to the scientific research showing the beneficial effects of deep breathing.

These studies collectively highlight the multifaceted benefits of incorporating deep breathing practices into daily life for improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Our Vision At The Bright Beings Academy

We envisage a diverse global community of people who have connected to their inner wisdom, vision and intuition and who are willing to collaborate towards a balanced and productive world of abundance. To embrace systems that serve humanity and encourage the insight and courage to let go of any systems that do not. Allow space to express their multi-facetted and multi-dimensional experience which is aligned to their personal profound purpose coherently. Inspire everyone to move away from self-harm and self-doubt to self-healing and self-realisation.

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