See What Is Available At

The Bright Beings Academy

Guiding you on your journey to self realisation

Membership Option

2 live classes per week. 2 live group calls per month. Email support. All online courses from the Bright Beings Academy.

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Membership Option

2 live classes per week. 2 live group calls per month. Email support. Online Ki Gong resources.

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Membership Option

2 live classes per week. Plus the Dahn Gong and Ilchi Ki Gong sequences to help you prepare for classes.

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Solfeggio Tones For Healing

A short course letting you know the power of solfeggio frequencies, and how they work on the body. You can download all the tones with this course.

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The Dream Method

One to one coaching and online course to help you repair emotional childhood wounds, soothe anxiety and alleviate depression.

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Chakra Meditations

Chakra Meditations With Healing Sounds is an online course that focuses on each chakra with a meditation.

The meditation addresses any inbalances.

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Restoring Your Essence

A 7 week challenge to reconnect your mind to your body and breath. The beginning of your journey to self realistation

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Breathing And Meditation

Learn How To reset Your Nervous System And Take Your Body Into It's Natural Healing State. When we breathe properly, we come back into balance quickly.

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Chakra Toning

Chakra toning with healing sounds shows you how to use your voice to heal your chakras. With easy to follow instructions, you will be empowered to heal yourself.

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Qi Gong For Beginners

A 3 week challenge to reconnect your mind to your body and breath. The beginning of your journey to self realistation

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Free Breathing Course

Learning to breathe properly is only part of this. Convincing your mind that this is working for you is also a big part. Learn why breathing is so important.

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Instructor Course

Learn how to teach Ki Gong the Korean way with this special course. It will take you a year to become an instructor or a Master at the Bright Beings Academy

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Qi Gong For Beginners

A 7 week challenge to reconnect your mind to your body and breath. The beginning of your journey to self realistation


Join Us Today

Why not join our growing community at the Bright Beings Academy. Take positive steps towards your own personal self realisation process with us.

More Resourses Coming Soon

Masters Course

Learn how to teach and even become a master with this special course. It will take you a year to become an instructor or a Master at the Bright Beings Academy


Welcome to The Bright Beings Academy

Online Memberships, Courses & Coaching

Your Path to Transformation!

Welcome to Your Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation! Where ancient wisdom inspires modern minds.

At The Bright Beings Online Academy, we believe in the power of continuous learning, holistic well-being, and spiritual growth.

Our carefully curated online courses and exclusive membership programs are designed to uplift your mind, nurture your body, and nourish your spirit.

Online Membership Options For Qi Gong

Membership Option

2 live classes per week. 1 Live Webinar per month. Email support. All online courses from the Bright Beings Academy.

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Membership Option

2 live classes per week.
1 Live Webinar per month. Email support. Online Ki Gong resources.

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Membership Option

2 live classes per week. Plus the Dahn Gong and Ilchi Ki Gong sequences to help you prepare for classes.

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Free Qi Gong - Meditation And Breathing Online Courses

Free Breathing Course

Learning to breathe properly is only part of this. Convincing your mind that this is working for you is also a big part. Learn why breathing is so important.


Free Meditation Course

How to meditate properly for beginners is a very simple and easy to follow online course, giving you the proper tools on how to meditate properly. Easy to follow.


What is Qi Gong by Peter Paul Paker

Free Qi Gong Course

Learn Some Of The Basics Of Qi Gong With This Free Introductory Course. Build Up Your Own Empirical Evidence Within 7 Days And Feel The Change Inside Of You.


Transformational Coaching With Online Courses

Chakra Toning

Chakra toning with healing sounds shows you how to use your voice to heal your chakras. The coaching option gives you expert guidance on how to tone your chakras.

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The Dream Method

One to one coaching and online course to help you repair emotional childhood wounds, soothe anxiety and alleviate depression. End Those Negative Cycles And Calm The Mind.

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Chakra Meditations

Chakra Meditations With Healing Sounds is an online course that focuses on each chakra with a meditation. The coaching option gives you expert guidance on healing your chakras.

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Sound Healing Online Courses

Solfeggio Tones For Healing

A short course letting you know the power of solfeggio frequencies, and how they work on the body. You can download all the tones with this course.

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Chakra Toning

Chakra toning with healing sounds shows you how to use your voice to heal your chakras. With easy to follow instructions, you will be empowered to heal yourself.

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Chakra Meditations

Chakra Meditations With Healing Sounds is an online course that focuses on each chakra with a meditation.
The meditation addresses any inbalances.

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Qi Gong And Breathing Online Courses

Restoring Your Essence

A 7-week challenge to reconnect your mind to your body and breath. The beginning of your journey to self realisation and a great start to your Qi Gong practise..

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Breathing And Meditation

Learn How To reset Your Nervous System And Take Your Body Into It's Natural Healing State. When we breathe properly, we come back into balance quickly.

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Qi Gong For Beginners

Learn The fundamental principles of Qi Gong and how this ancient practise can change your life. Stick to the guidelines of this course and you will feel the change inside.

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Qi Gong Coaching - Instructor And Master Courses

Qi Gong With Mentoring

This option is for those who want a one to one mentor while going through Qi Gong for beginners. One to one instruction guides you to understanding the principles much quicker.

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Instructor Course

Learn how to teach Ki Gong the Korean way with this special course. It will take you a year to become an instructor or a Master at the Bright Beings Academy

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Masters Course

Learn how to teach and even become a master with this special course. It will take you a year to become an instructor or a Master at the Bright Beings Academy

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Vegan Online And Vegan Coaching Courses

Vegan Vitality

Included in this mini course is all the information you need to be a successful plant based eater. This is a comprehensive guide to vegan eating.

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With Mentoring

If you want to speed up the process of learning to eat in a plant based way, there is no better way than to have an experienced mentor by your side.

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Discovery Call

Still confused on what route to take for your journey. Please book a discovery call with me and we can see whether we can help you. It is free and no obligation after the call.

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Holistic Healing And Distant Reiki Healing

Lincs Holistic Wellness




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Weight Wisdom

How to achieve and sustain your ideal weight holistically.

This course has the information to help you transform into the human being you came here to be.

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Discovery Call

Still confused on what route to take for your journey. Please book a discovery call with me and we can see whether we can help you. It is free and no obligation after the call.

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Unlock Your Potential with The Bright Beings Academy

Online Courses & Membership

Here’s why embracing our offerings will elevate your life:

  • Empowering Knowledge, Anytime, Anywhere:

    Discover a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips! Our online courses empower you with wisdom from experienced teachers and spiritual guides. Accessible from the comfort of your home, these courses allow you to learn at your own pace, whenever it suits you.

  • Tailored Learning Experience:

    Every individual is unique, and so are our learning paths. Our diverse range of courses caters to various interests and levels, ensuring a personalised educational experience. Whether you're a beginner exploring spirituality or an experienced practitioner deepening your practice, our courses meet you where you are.

  • Community & Support:

    Connect with a like-minded community of seekers and practitioners. Our exclusive membership provides you with access to discussion forums, live Q&A sessions, and virtual events, fostering a sense of belonging and support. Engage in enriching conversations, share experiences, and find inspiration within our welcoming community.

  • Expert Guidance & Mentorship:

    Our courses are led by seasoned experts, passionate about guiding you on your spiritual journey. Benefit from their wisdom, receive personalised feedback, and gain insights that can transform your perspective on life. Our mentors are committed to your growth and well-being.

  • Wellness for Mind, Body, and Spirit:

    Achieve holistic well-being with a focus on mind, body, and spirit alignment. Explore the art of Qi Gong for physical vitality, delve into transformational coaching for mental clarity, and experience the healing vibrations of sound therapy for spiritual harmony. Our courses offer a comprehensive approach to your overall wellness.

  • Access Exclusive Resources:

    As a member, enjoy exclusive access to a treasure trove of resources, including guided meditations, e-books, expert interviews, and more. Enhance your learning journey with these supplementary materials, designed to deepen your understanding and practice.

  • Embrace Transformation:

    Embarking on this transformative journey will empower you to lead a more mindful, purposeful, and joyful life. Embrace the transformation within, awaken your true potential, and step into a life filled with balance, resilience, and spiritual fulfilment.

Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and transformation? Enrol in our online courses and become a member today. Embrace the wisdom, connect with the community, and empower your mind, body, and spirit! Your transformative adventure awaits.

Not Sure Where To Begin?

Book a fifteen-minute free discovery call with us, and we can advise you to the best direction you can go in with the Academy. Click the link below to organise your call.