Kookhak Qi Gong Live Class

One of the biggest benefits of the Bright Beings Academy are the Qi Gong live classes held twice a week.

Every class, you will stretch out the 12 meridians of the body connected to your internal organs.

You will also tap the body all over, which helps to bring new energy into the body by stimulating the mitochondria, and helps to clear out the lymph system.

The classes are adapted to the Western mindset, where you will be able to connect more deeply with yourself quickly.

Qi Gong classes are both online and offline. The offline class is at Hook Centre Chessington at 6.30pm.

Online Classes are on Sunday at 11am and Thursday at 7pm. Every class has something different to offer, and if you are a member, you have specific on demand classes to choose from if you are unavailable for a class,

Click the button for the membership options.

Qi Gong Membership Options

Three Tier Membership

An online Qi Gong membership at the Bright Beings Academy offers you the flexibility to experience this powerful healing art from the comfort of your own home, while still feeling deeply connected to a supportive community.

With guided sessions tailored to all levels, you’ll strengthen your body, calm your mind, and energise your spirit at your own pace. Plus, enjoy the convenience of live classes, replays, and resources available 24/7, allowing you to fit Qi Gong into any schedule.

Whether you’re looking to improve your health, reduce stress, or deepen your spiritual practice, our membership provides the tools to transform your life.

In the webinar, you will learn how Qi Gong can really help you with health and wellness issues. All you need to do is click the button above and register for the free webinar. Then you will see all the wonderful benefits a Qi Gong practise will bring to your life.

Qi Gong Will Transform Your life - 11 Reasons To Consider Taking Up Qi Gong

Boost Energy - Reduce Stress - Improve Flexibility - Enhance Mental Clarity - Support Wellbeing - Cultivate Inner Peace

- Holistic Wellness - Enhance Posture - Promote Relaxation - Stronger Spiritual, mind and body Connection -

Testimonial From The Live Classes

"Whilst in the UK recently I had the opportunity to participate in Ki Gong classes under the guidance of Peter Paul Parker. Not knowing anything at all about it I found that Peter made it simple and very easy to follow and left me wanting to do another session asap!

To start with my body felt awakened by the tapping which I guess was my blood circulation and lymphatic systems being stimulated and it felt good! For the next 45 minutes it was stretching, moving and balancing which brought an awareness of how the body was reacting to these bigger movements.

After a warming down period, my body and mind were left stimulated and positive. I would liken Ki Gong to a much more active version of Tai Chi perhaps which suits my active lifestyle perfectly."

Pauline Silverster - New Zealand

90-95% Of All Illness And Disease Is Caused By Stress

Qi Gong To Soothe Stress And Anxiety

Todays world is creating abundance in stress and anxiety. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Wiith this brain oriented form of Kookhak Ki Gong from Korea, you can learn to soothe stress and anxiety very quickly by attending the online classes.

You will be able to flip the pyramid and stop those hot emotions and feelings rising to your head.

FAQ's On Qi Gong

What is Qi Gong, and what are its benefits?

Qi Gong is an ancient South East Asian practice that combines gentle movements, breathing techniques, and meditation to cultivate vital life energy (Qi) in the body. Its benefits are numerous! From reducing stress and improving mental clarity to enhancing flexibility, balance, and overall well-being, Qi Gong empowers you to harmonise mind, body, and spirit. It's like a refreshing energy shower for your entire being!

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Is Qi Gong suitable for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level?

Absolutely! One of the most beautiful aspects of Qi Gong is its accessibility. It's adaptable to various fitness levels and ages. Whether you're young or young at heart, a seasoned fitness enthusiast, or just starting your wellness journey, Qi Gong offers gentle movements that can be tailored to your comfort. It's a welcoming practice for everyone seeking balance and vitality in life.

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How does Qi Gong differ from other exercises or mindfulness practices?

Unlike high-impact exercises, Qi Gong focuses on slow, deliberate movements coordinated with deep breathing. While it shares mindfulness aspects with practices like yoga, Qi Gong emphasises the flow of energy within the body. It's a holistic approach that nurtures both physical and energetic well-being, creating a serene and harmonious state within.

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What can I expect from practising Qi Gong regularly?

Consistent Qi Gong practice can bring a myriad of benefits! Increased energy levels, improved posture, reduced stress, enhanced focus, better sleep, and a strengthened immune system are just a few. Moreover, it's a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, helping you tap into your inner resilience and authenticity.

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Why should I consider starting Qi Gong?

Think of Qi Gong as a nurturing gift to yourself. In today's fast-paced world, it offers a sanctuary of calm, a space to reconnect with your inner peace amidst the chaos. It's not just about the physical benefits; it's about fostering a deep sense of well-being, balance, and inner strength that resonates through every aspect of your life. Ready to Start Your Qi Gong Journey?

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Are You Ready To Start Your Qi Gong Journey?

Join us at Bright Beings Academy and discover the transformative power of Qi Gong! Embrace vitality, inner peace, and holistic well-being. Let's embark on this incredible journey together! Choose a membership that suits you below.

Kookhak i Gong campions In Korea with Peter Paul Parker

Kookhak Ki Gong British Champion

In 2016 Peter Paul Parker went to Korea with the British Team to partake in the Kookhak Ki Gong competition.

The British team won the International competition. And at the Bright Beings Academy, you will receive classes for a Dahn Master and Ki Gong Champion.

The pricing structure of the classes are designed to suit all budgets. See the options below. Memberships start from as little as £10.

Qi Gong Membership Options At The Bright Beings Academy

There are memberships to suite all budgets. Choboja and Tteu-Da membership has a two week FREE trial period.

Two Weeks Free Trial On Tteu-da And Choboja Qi Gong Memberships

Jonjae Membership

Jonjae membership to the Bright Beings Academy includes 2 live Ki Gong classes a week. 1 group webinar. Online courses, including sound, breathing and food. The sound healing and toning courses are included when you have been with the Academy for 2 months.

Tteu-Da Membership

Tteu-Da membership of the Bright Beings Academy includes 2 live Ki Gong classes a week over zoom. 2 group calls a month. Online courses for breathing and food also included. This is an excellent package as you get a free trial before you commit to your membership.

Choboja Membership

Choboja membership includes 2 live Ki Gong classes per week. Online on demand classes also. With instruction videos of the forms taught in the classes. Bronze membership is an ideal membership if you just want to benefit from the classes. You can still get great benefit from 2 classes..

Free Qi Gong Online Course

What Is Qi Gong?

Free Online Introductory Course

This short course will help you get the basic idea of how Qi Gong can transform your life. You can see from the testimonials from this page, that it has changed many peoples lives.

This is why I have made this short course so you can experience this for yourself. Turn stress into easiness. Turn anxiety into calmness. Turn dis-ease into health.

And it is all free. Click the link below for more details.

Bright Beings Academy

For Self Realisation

Flipping The Pyramid With Qi Gong

Imagine your day being busy, full of unwanted or emotionally upsetting events. And the scenarios just keep going around and around in your head. The brain is very energy hungry. And this will consume your energy very quickly.

The below picture shows you how this energy will be in your body. All the energy rises to the head, which leaves you little energy to deal with anything else. You become emotionally and feel physically exhausted. This is a bad way to live your life as it will lead to dis-ease at some point in time.

flip the pyramid with qi gong

Transform Your Energy With Qi Gong

We can make this energetic shift as demonstrated above using Qi Gong. When we use the principles of Qi Gong to help us make the right decisions in our life, they become clear. As you can see from the pyramid on the right, there is a strong base and a light top. When we flip the pyramid, we can actually tune in to our higher nature or vibration.

This is where our intuition comes from, our natural wisdom and our visionary qualities also. Our mind has amazing power, but if we allow it to run out of control, it becomes a lousy master. And this, in turn, will lead to living like an upside down pyramid.

What Is The Energy Body In Qi Gong?

First we should realise that Qi means energy and Gong can mean utilising well or even mastering. When we practise Qi Gong, we are working not only on the physical body, but the energy body also. E=MC2 is a well-known equation.

And on the quantum level of our existence, we have realised that energy actually comes before matter. Therefore, energy creates matter.

And there is a blueprint for that energy field to work to.

When the energy field is compromised, this will lead to dis-ease in the body. We need to look after our energy body to life a healthy life. And this is why the millions of people who practise Qi Gong across the world are so healthy.

Personally, I have seen so many elderly people improve their health in their 70's, 80's and 90's just by practising Qi Gong. It is like witnessing mini miracles every week when I get another report of a problem being solved in the body.

The Energy Body And The Seven Dahn Jons

The energy body is a blueprint for the energy to flow around the body. We have a physical body that does different functions to experience different things in different ways. Like eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch. And this can be said for the energy body also.

If you look at your body being a country. And your chakras are the major cities of your country. The meridian lines are the transport network to move energy around your body, and the acupressure points are the small towns and villages.

In Qi Gong, we refer to the chakras as the Dahn Jons. And they are the lower Dahn Jon, your second chakra. Your middle Dahn Jon is your heart chakra. And your upper Dahn Jon is your third eye chakra.

The 7 Dahn Jons are so important to become aware of when you are working with your energy body. The Jang Shim And Yong Chun are the energy centres of the hands and feet. You can see where they are from the diagram below.

7 Dahn Jons of the body in Qi Gong

Qi Gong And The Subconscious Mind

When you work on your body, you are actually working on your subconscious mind. Many people know that water holds memory. And this memory can be anywhere in the body. And this is what our ancestors knew.

For instance, anger is held in the liver. My personal experience of this is true with empirical evidence. I had a very traumatic childhood when I was young. And I was very angry.

When I found what made me angry when training to become a Dahn Master, my anger soothed and my heavy drinking stopped.

It was actually when I was in Korea with the British Qi Gong team where I visited a meditation cave during a tour of Korea. And this cave was designed to help you heal childhood traumas.

I went into the cave feeling that I had done so much healing the wounds from the past, that this would be quite easy on me. I started the meditation and went through all the negative incidents I had experienced with ease.

Then I found one that I had held deep down in my subconscious. And this was something I had never really addressed before. I forgave the people involved and a heavy weight was lifted from me almost immediately.

I walked out of the cave and my teacher commented on me saying I have taken 10 years off the age of my face.

I no longer could drink so heavily from that moment on, and have never been able to since. In fact, I have not had the enormous urge I used to get to be drunk. It really proved to me that we get negative energy stuck in our bodies as memories, and that we can actually heal them and transform our lives.

Qi Gong For Stress And Anxiety

I realised very quickly when starting my Qi Gong practise, that stress and anxiety were melting away from my life quite quickly. It was actually practising the ancient healing art that started this. It was convincing my mind that this is the only thing I have to do right now. This brought me right into the moment and the stress and anxiety melted away.

And, as if by magic, this started to happen in my everyday life outside of my practise. Life began to change, where I was not so stressed and anxious in every day life anymore. And it was wonderful. With all the scientific studies now showing us this, and so many people building up empirical evidence for themselves that this actually works, it is now an important part of a health and well being stategy everyone should be using.

Qi Gong For Beginners

You can start your Qi Gong practise straight away at the Bright Beings Academy. As a beginner, you will not be able to follow the moves so easily, but that is ok. It is really all about understanding the principles. The form slowly comes over time, and then you begin to enjoy the movements as well as the principles.

That takes you from being a beginner to being someone who has practised this ancient healing art. There are memberships available at the Academy for you to try the live classes for free.

Live classes are the best way to keep up your practise as they are regular and become part of your routine. See the options below.

What To Expect From A Qi Gong Class

When you start to live classes, you can start to feel more energetic straight away. And when you consistently practise with the online classes you can expect

  • More energy for your life

  • Better stamina

  • More flexibility

  • A calmer, clearer mind

  • A deeper connection with yourself

  • A deeper sense of purpose

But what does that mean for you. It actually means your body will start to work properly again. You will feel more in control of your subconscious actions. You will feel in more control of your mind. And you will feel more in control of your health and well being.

Start Your Qi Gong Journey Today

Jonjae Membership

Jonjae membership to the Bright Beings Academy includes 2 live Ki Gong classes a week. 1 group webinar. Online courses, including sound, breathing and food. The sound healing and toning courses are included when you have been with the Academy for 2 months.

Tteu-Da Membership

Tteu-Da membership of the Bright Beings Academy includes 2 live Ki Gong classes a week over zoom. 2 group calls a month. Online courses for breathing and food also included. This is an excellent package as you get a free trial before you commit to your membership.

Choboja Membership

Choboja membership includes 2 live Ki Gong classes per week. Online on demand classes also. With instruction videos of the forms taught in the classes. Bronze membership is an ideal membership if you just want to benefit from the classes. You can still get great benefit from 2 classes..

Scientific Studies On The Effects Of Qi Gong

Still Not Convinced Qi Gong Will Work For You?

I feel it is good to be sceptical in today's world. But proof is proof. Here are some scientific studies on the effects of Qi Gong when practised regularly. But it is also important to get your own empirical evidence by practising for yourself.

I have personally healed from a serious motorbike accident when I was in my 20's. My collarbone and elbow were both broken, and they used to really ache in the cold. Since taking up Qi Gong, these aches have stopped. And my lower back problems that happened in an accident when I was 11 have also disappeared.

It is truly amazing when you place your mind on your body and your breath. And then practise, practise and practise some more. Here are some studies that also back up what I am saying here.

  • Effects of Qi Gong on Cardiovascular Risk Factors:

    This study explored how regular Qi Gong practice impacted cardiovascular health, demonstrating positive effects on blood pressure, heart rate variability, and stress reduction.

  • Qi Gong for Chronic Pain Management:

    Research investigated the efficacy of Qi Gong in managing chronic pain conditions, showing promising results in pain reduction and improving overall quality of life for participants.

  • Impact of Qi Gong on Mental Health:

    Studies have delved into the mental health benefits of Qi Gong, revealing its potential in reducing anxiety, depression, and enhancing psychological well-being.

  • Qi Gong and Immune Function:

    Research examining the effects of Qi Gong on immune function showcased potential improvements in immune response, potentially reducing susceptibility to illness.

  • Qi Gong and Balance in Elderly Populations:

    Studies have focused on how Qi Gong practice improves balance and reduces fall risk in elderly individuals, highlighting its potential in promoting healthy ageing.

  • Qi Gong in Stress Reduction:

    Investigations into stress management have shown that regular Qi Gong practice can effectively lower stress levels and improve coping mechanisms.

  • Qi Gong and Cognitive Function:

    Some studies have explored the cognitive benefits of Qi Gong, indicating potential improvements in memory, attention, and overall cognitive function.

  • Qi Gong for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

    Research has assessed the impact of Qi Gong on managing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, suggesting positive outcomes in energy levels and fatigue reduction.

  • Qi Gong and Inflammation:

    Studies examining inflammation markers in the body post-Qi Gong practice have hinted at potential anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Qi Gong in Cancer Care:

    Some studies have looked at Qi Gong as a complementary therapy in cancer care, indicating benefits in managing treatment side effects and enhancing quality of life.

    These studies collectively suggest that Qi Gong holds promise in various aspects of health and well-being, but ongoing research continues to explore its potential benefits across different populations and health conditions.

Our Vision At The Bright Beings Academy

We envisage a diverse global community of people who have connected to their inner wisdom, vision and intuition and who are willing to collaborate towards a balanced and productive world of abundance. To embrace systems that serve humanity and encourage the insight and courage to let go of any systems that do not. Allow space to express their multi-facetted and multi-dimensional experience which is aligned to their personal profound purpose coherently. Inspire everyone to move away from self-harm and self-doubt to self-healing and self-realisation.